Chiropractic is an alternative medicine that concentrates on identifying, managing, and preventing issues with the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. Chiropractors use gentle and precise adjustments and other techniques to correct spinal misalignments, improve nerve communication, and restore normal body function.
This article will discuss dizziness and vertigo, the possible causes, and chiropractic treatment for dizziness and vertigo.
What is Dizziness?
“Dizziness” refers to various sensations, including feeling faint, weak, unsteady, or dizzy. This can cause a feeling of spinning or movement of yourself or your surroundings.
Dizziness is a general term that describes feeling off-balance, lightheaded, or faint. You may have difficulty walking, standing, or moving when you are dizzy. You may also feel nauseous or vomit.
Common causes of dizziness
Dehydration – Losing too much fluid can make you feel dizzy, especially if you also have low blood sugar or low blood pressure.
Heat exhaustion – Exposure to high temperatures can cause dehydration, nausea, headache and dizziness.
Low blood sugar – Hypoglycemia can cause dizziness, weakness, confusion and hunger.
Iron deficiency anemia can cause dizziness, fatigue, pale skin, and shortness of breath.
Low blood pressure – Hypotension can cause dizziness, fainting, blurred vision and nausea.
Anxiety – Anxiety disorders can cause dizziness, panic attacks, chest pain and breathing problems.
Motion sickness – This condition can cause dizziness, nausea and vomiting when you travel by car, boat, plane or amusement park ride.
Head injuries – Dizziness can be caused by injury to the head, which may also lead to headache, confusion and loss of consciousness.
Medications – Some drugs can cause dizziness as a side effect, such as antihistamines, anticholinergics, benzodiazepines, diuretics and antibiotics.
Alcohol consumption – Drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration, low blood sugar and impaired balance.
Carbon monoxide poisoning – Exposure to this odourless gas can cause dizziness, headache, nausea and weakness.
What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is a medical condition that can cause a spinning sensation or movement even when you are not moving. This can cause problems with balance, vision, hearing, and overall quality of life.
Various factors, including inner ear issues, brain disorders, head injuries, or medication, can cause vertigo. Frequently, a change in head position can trigger vertigo.
Common causes of vertigo:
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): The sensation of vertigo is often due to small calcium particles shifting from their place in the inner ear and entering the fluid-filled area and canals, sending false signals to the brain about head movement. BPPV can happen without apparent reason or triggered by head trauma, ear infection, ear surgery, or prolonged bed rest.
Vestibular neuritis: This condition is caused by nerve inflammation connecting the inner ear to the brain. It may be caused by a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. This condition can lead to vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and difficulties with balance.
Labyrinthitis: Labyrinthitis is when the inner ear’s balance and hearing organs become inflamed, causing symptoms like vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and ear pain. Bacterial or viral infections, like middle ear infections, can cause it.
Meniere’s disease: Meniere’s disease affects the inner ear’s fluid balance, causing vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear fullness. The cause is unknown but may be related to genetics, immune issues, allergies, or stress.
Migraine: Migraine is a type of headache that involves intense pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting. Some people with migraine also experience vestibular migraine, which is a type of migraine that causes vertigo along with other symptoms.
Stroke: This sudden interruption of blood flow to your brain can damage brain cells and affect various functions. Vertigo can be a stroke symptom if it impacts the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination.
Brain tumours: These are abnormal growths of cells in your brain that can compress or damage nearby structures. When a brain tumour affects the part of your brain responsible for balance and coordination, it can cause vertigo.
Multiple sclerosis: MS is an immune system disorder that causes nerve fibre damage and inflammation. It can result in vertigo if it affects the brain or spinal cord areas responsible for balance and coordination.
Diagnosis of dizziness and vertigo
If you experience dizziness or vertigo, see a doctor. They will ask about your medical history, lifestyle, medications, and symptoms. They will also conduct a physical exam, including checking your ears, eyes, blood pressure, heart rate, and reflexes.
Depending on your symptoms and suspected cause, your doctor may order some tests to confirm or rule out certain conditions. Some of the tests that may be used to diagnose dizziness or vertigo are:
Physical examination – Your doctor may check your ears, eyes, nerves, balance and coordination,
Hearing test – Your doctor may test your hearing ability and look for signs of ear problems.
Eye movement test – Your doctor may watch your eye movements when you follow a moving object or when water or air is placed in your ear canal.
Head movement test – Your doctor may perform a simple Dix-Hallpike maneuver to check if you have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a common cause of dizziness and vertigo.
Posturography – This test measures how well you can maintain balance under various conditions.
Rotary chair test – During this test, you will sit in a chair that moves in a circular or back-and-forth motion. The aim of the test is to assess your ability to maintain balance and track eye movements.
MRI or CT scan – These tests can provide detailed images of your brain and inner ear to look for abnormalities that may cause vertigo.
Blood tests – These tests can check for infection or other conditions affecting your balance system.
TiTrATE is a helpful method for diagnosing dizziness or vertigo. It considers timing, triggers, and targeted examination of specific signs to determine the cause.
Chiropractic treatment for dizziness and vertigo
Chiropractic can offer different benefits depending on the type and cause of your dizziness and vertigo. Here are some of the ways chiropractic can help with dizziness and vertigo:
Chiropractic can treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) –Vertigo is a common condition known as BPPV. It results from the displacement of tiny crystals in the inner ear, which then moves into fluid-filled canals responsible for sensing head movements. False signals are sent to the brain regarding the body’s position, leading to a sensation of vertigo.
Chiropractors can use the Epley maneuver technique to reposition crystals and relieve vertigo. This technique involves moving the head in a specific sequence of positions to guide the crystals back to their original location.
Chiropractic can treat cervicogenic vertigo and dizziness – Cervicogenic vertigo is a type of vertigo caused by a neck problem. It can happen when your neck joints or muscles are injured, inflamed, or misaligned, affecting the nerve signals from your neck to your brain.
This can interfere with your sense of balance and cause vertigo. Chiropractors can use spinal adjustments, mobilizations, and soft tissue therapies to improve the alignment and function of your neck joints and muscles, reduce inflammation and pain, and restore standard nerve signals.
Chiropractic can treat vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis – Vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are types of vertigo caused by an infection or inflammation of the inner ear structures that control your balance.
Severe vertigo, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, and ear ringing (tinnitus) are some symptoms that certain conditions can cause. Chiropractors employ spinal adjustments and other techniques to enhance your immune system, minimize inflammation, and facilitate the healing of your inner ear.
Chiropractic can treat Meniere’s disease – Meniere’s disease is a condition that disrupts the balance of fluids in your inner ear, leading to symptoms such as dizziness and vertigo, hearing loss, ear ringing, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. The root cause of this condition is currently unknown.
Chiropractors can help with inner ear issues by performing spinal adjustments and other techniques that regulate fluid pressure, alleviate stress, and improve nervous system function. Causes may include genetics, immune system problems, allergies, or anxiety.
Chiropractic can treat migraine-associated vertigo and dizziness – Migraine-associated vertigo is a type of vertigo that happens simultaneously with migraine headaches, which are severe headaches that cause symptoms of a headache may include pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.
Individuals who suffer from migraines may encounter vestibular symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, or imbalance. Chiropractors can help alleviate the frequency and severity of migraines and related symptoms by utilizing spinal adjustments and other techniques.
What to expect from chiropractic treatment for dizziness and vertigo
If you decide to try chiropractic treatment for vertigo, here is what you can expect:
• Consultation – Your medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle habits will be discussed during a chiropractic visit. A physical examination will include checking your ears, eyes, blood pressure, heart rate, and reflexes. Additional tests may be ordered if needed to diagnose vertigo.
• Diagnosis – Your chiropractor will analyze your information and identify the cause of your dizziness and vertigo. They will create a personalized treatment plan for you, including techniques, appointment frequency, duration, and expected results.
• Treatment – Chiropractors use gentle techniques to fix spinal misalignments and improve nerve communication. They monitor progress and adjust treatment as needed.
• Home care – A chiropractor can give you tips for managing vertigo at home, such as exercises, dietary adjustments, and stress management. They can also guide you in coping with attacks and knowing when to seek medical help.
Chiropractic is a safe and effective way to treat vertigo and its underlying causes. Chiropractic can help with vertigo by improving the function of your spine, nervous system, and inner ear. Chiropractic can also reduce the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo, such as spinning sensations, nausea, vomiting, and imbalance.
We have experienced and qualified chiropractors who can help you with your dizziness and vertigo. If you suffer from vertigo and want to try chiropractic treatment, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are excited to assist you in attaining improved health and wellness.