
Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Who Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care?

Oct 26, 2021

Have you ever wondered if your pain and discomfort was ‘worth’ looking into chiropractic care? Or thought you were too young, or too old, or too something else? Chiropractic treatment provides numerous benefits to many people and isn’t reserved for any particular type of person. No matter your age, fitness level, or occupation, chiropractors know how to help you feel your best.  

 This blog discusses who can benefit from chiropractic care and how it can help many different people with various conditions. For personalised advice, contact our friendly and helpful team at Northside Chiropractic. 


Is Chiropractic Care Right For Me? 

You may have thought chiropractors only work with elite athletes or those recovering from neck or back injuries. The reality is that chiropractic treatment is for anybody who can benefit from it, which is the vast majority of people! They also work on areas of the body other than necks and backs, such as feet, elbows, and shoulders.  

In every case, chiropractors provide a full assessment to determine the type/s of care that will benefit you most. It may be stretching, a massage, a spinal adjustment, or another treatment. If you’re unsure if chiropractic treatment is safe for you, please check with your GP before starting any treatment. 


Desk Worker Dramas 

We weren’t built for sitting at a desk all day, but that’s our daily routine for many of us. Sitting for too long, too often, can cause weight gain, which can lead to serious health issues such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer.  

A chiropractor can offer treatment to desk and office workers by helping to improve posture, helping to align your bones and joints and making it easier to sit up straight. They can also advise on how to get more active during the day (while still getting their work done). A standing desk is an excellent solution for desk workers as standing burns more calories than sitting, allowing you to burn 1,000 more calories each week by this simple change alone!  


Chiropractic Care For Mums 

Whether it’s pre-natal or post-natal, mums tend to carry the weight of the world on their backs. And that can get heavy after a while.  

With over 50% of pregnant women experiencing back or pelvic pain, it’s no wonder pre-natal chiropractic care is a widely researched topic. A study of 170 patients showed that 84% reported less back pain after receiving a spinal adjustment and were less likely to have back labour. Chiropractors use adjusting tables to accommodate pregnant patients, so no pressure is placed on the abdomen during treatment. 

In most cases, you can continue seeing your chiropractor after you give birth. Post-natal chiropractors understand the ordeal your body has been through and work to help relieve pain caused not only by labour but by other bodily changes. Suddenly breastfeeding constantly or carrying a baby on your hip will move your body in ways you’re not used to, which can cause pain and discomfort. A post-natal chiropractor works to speed up healing of the spine and neck, allowing you to spend pain-free time with your baby. 

neck pain chiropractor northcote


Chiros for Tradies 

It is no surprise that activities like lifting heavy items, leaning over, and crouching all day will lead to pain and discomfort. Physical work can affect alignment and spine and central nervous system health, causing sprains and strains, cervical impingements, herniated discs, and other issues. But pain doesn’t have to be part of the job. 

Seeking chiropractic treatment is an excellent option for tradies. Whether by manual adjustments, soft tissue techniques, or low force adjustments, a chiropractor can perform treatments that will get you feeling good as new.

Chiropractic treatment works to improve all areas of your life so that any treatment will benefit you in your day-to-day life as well as on the job. Less pain equals more fun and enjoying that free time leads to better performance at work. Chiropractors can also teach exercises and stretches to perform before and after work to prevent injuries from cropping up altogether. 

Acute Injuries 

Chiropractors are well-trained in treating acute injuries such as sprains and strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, and fractures. Typically these are sports injuries, which is why sports teams often have a chiropractor on hand! But whatever the cause, a chiropractor will know the way to treat these injuries.  

They work by performing massage, manual spine adjustments, and assisting with stretches. Chiropractors are trained to treat nearly every joint in the body, like hips, ankles, and knees. Regardless of which joint has been affected, chiropractors rehabilitate it to strengthen it and get it back to its pre-injury state. 


Chronic Pain and Conditions 

Chronic pain requires a holistic approach, which chiropractors are well-versed in. Your chiropractor will perform an assessment to locate the cause of your pain and then work to treat it using the safest and most effective method.  

They ensure any treatment will only aid in reducing pain and will not force any treatments that may make your pain or condition worse. People with degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, sciatica, and spondylolisthesis often seek chiropractic treatment to assist with their conditions. 


General Wellness 

If you don’t fit any of the above categories, chiropractic care can offer you a world of benefits. Whether you don’t sleep well, have low energy, or experience headaches, a chiropractor can help.  

Spinal adjustments are an excellent option for tension headache sufferers, as this pain often originates in the neck. Also, if you experience general aches and pains, you are less likely to get a good night’s sleep, and chiropractors can assist with that too! 

Chiropractic treatment isn’t just limited to spinal adjustments and massages, either. They can provide advice for your specific situation after discussing your daily life and habits, including your diet and exercise routine. Having all of the information is the first step to addressing the problem. 

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Realised You Need a Chiropractor? 

If you’re experiencing any of the above conditions or just don’t feel like you’re at your best, we hope this article has been helpful for you. If we helped you realise you could benefit from chiropractic care, we’re more than happy to help!

Our team in Preston provides chiro care for residents across Heidelberg, Reservoir, Northcote, Preston, Coburg, Brunswick, and surrounding suburbs. To discuss your needs with one of our experienced chiropractors, click the button below to book an appointment. 





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